What?s InnoDB? Why has it been used as the default MySQL storage engine?
InnoDB is a database storage engine for MySQL databases, which is used by well known PHP-powered web apps like Magento and Joomla™ v3. It’s ideal for scalable applications, as it performs exceptionally well when handling immense volumes of data. Rather than locking the entire table to append new information to a database as many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one database row, so it can complete a lot more tasks for the same period of time. Plus, InnoDB offers a much faster database failure recovery and supports transactions and foreign keys – a set of rules that indicate how data imports and updates should be handled. If a given task has not been entirely completed for whatever reason, the action will be rolled back. Thus, the content in the database will stay intact and will not be partially merged with newly added content.
InnoDB in Shared Web Hosting
Any PHP-powered web app that needs InnoDB will run impeccably on our advanced cloud platform and the MySQL storage engine is offered with all our
shared web hosting packages. Every time you create a database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database in question will make use of will be selected on the basis of the app’s specifications without having to edit any setting in your shared web hosting account. InnoDB will be picked automatically for any app that requires this particular engine and you’ll be able to get the most out of its full capacity. We will generate daily backups of your content, so in case you unintentionally erase a MySQL database that you need or you overwrite certain parts of it, we will be able to restore the database the way it was only a couple of hours ago.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
Our Hepsia Control Panel is one of the options which you can select on the order page when you buy a
dedicated server from our company. As this is the most powerful type of website hosting, it is rather likely that you will manage very popular Internet sites that will attract plenty of people, and since InnoDB is one of the very best options for such sites, we will enable it together with all the other software applications that are available with a Hepsia-equipped dedicated server. When you create a brand-new database in your dedicated server account, there won’t be any active MySQL database engine till you begin installing an open-source PHP script, whether manually via your browser or using the automatic script installation tool that is included in the Control Panel. The needed engine will be detected and will be assigned to that database, so you can make use of scripts that require InnoDB, as well as ones that need MyISAM, the default MySQL engine, without needing to deal with any impediment.